Scenic Spot In Wulai

Scenic Spot In Wulai

Wulai Hot Spring
Wulai Hot Spring
烏來溫泉位於臺灣北部新北市烏來區,烏來是臺灣原住民泰雅族語中冒煙的熱水的音譯,溫泉主要沿著南勢溪與桶後溪交會口西側分布,是屬於雪山山脈帶的變質岩區溫泉,附近的懸崖峭壁可觀察到四棱砂岩、乾溝層、粗窟砂岩、大桶山層和澳底層。烏來溫泉推測來自附近插天山背斜形成過程中所形成的裂隙,溫泉出露點多在此背斜的軸部。 維基百科 地址: 233新北市烏來區烏來里
Wulai Waterfall
Wulai Waterfall
Wulai Waterfall is located in Wulai District, New Taipei City, and the Wulai River, the tributary of the right bank of Nanshi River. It is a freshwater river basin. It is a famous scenic spot in Wulai and the largest waterfall in North Taiwan. Wulai Waterfall has the reputation of "the glory of the clouds" since the Japanese era. It is also known as "Yunxian Waterfall" and "White Stork". The elevation of the waterfall is about 150 meters and the drop is about 80 meters. It is a cantilevered waterfall formed by differential erosion. Wikipedia Address: 163 Waterfall Road, Wulai District, New Taipei City Opening Hours: 24 hours Tel: 02 2661 6942
Yunhsien Holiday Resort and Cable Car
Yunhsien Holiday Resort and Cable Car
Yunxian Paradise is located in Wulai District, New Taipei City, surrounded by mountains. After listening to its name, the park is full of misty beauty. The ecology here is richer. Not only can you hear the cicadas, but you can also enjoy the flying butterflies. The park also has a fern trail, and you can observe the beautiful fern posture at close range. In addition to the fun of taking the cable car, you can plan a multi-day trip and live directly in the mountains to enjoy the nature tour surrounded by forests. It is perfect for a family-friendly vacation, with well-equipped children play facilities and a lovely zoo area for families to visit. Business hours: Recreation area: 8:30 am to 17:00 pm Tickets: 1. Full ticket 220 yuan General adult. 2. Discount ticket 150 yuan Military police students (required documents), children aged 3 years and older (including) children under the age of 12, and those aged 65 or above. 3. Half-ticket 110 yuan Address: No. 1-1, Waterfall Road, Wulai District, New Taipei City Tel: +886 2-2661-6383 By car: 15 minutes from the hotel, transfer to the cable car to Wulai Shui An Hot Spring House Address: No. 39, Wenquan Street, Wulai District, New Taipei City Tel: +886-2-2661-6650 Fax: +886-2-2661-6630 Mail:
Wulai parking tower
Wulai parking tower
鄰近酒店的【烏來立體停車場】 榮獲2014年美國紐約建築大獎Architizer A+ 建築首獎! 實屬不易 堪稱台灣之光! 烏來立體停車場,是在2011年時,為了容納假日湧入烏來的車輛而重建。建築外觀線條流暢簡潔,並取自烏來四週環山的地理特色,將外觀的鋁製線型格柵採「ㄑ」字型,同時也代表當地泰雅族編織中,常見的菱形圖騰和直線線條;格柵的設計也有防曬、通風的效果,不只美觀還兼具實用。 地址:新北市烏來區烏來街47號1至4樓 電話:+886 2-2661-7637 車程:距離酒店3分鐘
Wulai Old Street
Wulai Old Street
烏來老街指的就是烏來街、瀑布路與環山道路一帶,店家招牌樣式統一,看起相當整齊,而且大部分的商店都以原住民特色來發揮,所以遊客可以品嚐到原住民風味的山產美食,像是碳烤山豬肉、溫泉蛋、月桃飯、竹筒飯、馬告料理、山蘇、珠蔥等,都是其他地方少見的原住民風味料理,另外,還有小米酒、小米麻糬等特產,也都很適合分送給親朋好友當伴手禮,同時在這裡也可以觀賞到山地歌舞表演,感受原住民的熱情活力。一說到烏來就想到溫泉,其實在泰雅語就是指冒著蒸氣的湧泉,不管是先來的泰雅人,還是後到的漢人、日本人,都愛上可以養顏美容、改善腸胃疾病的溫泉,老街上頭就林立眾多溫泉旅社。 地址:新北市烏來區烏來街 電話:+886 2-2661-6442 車程:距離酒店5分鐘
Wulai Tourist Tram
Wulai Tourist Tram
早期的烏來台車是山林中砍伐木材的運送車,伐木業消失後,台車就拿來作為運輸遊客的工具。在民國52年時才改為觀光載客的可愛台車。雖然台車的設計不是很豪華,但不要小看它,速度其實還蠻快的,從出發站到瀑布站約1.6公里,咻的一下就抵達終點,沿路可以透過開放式的車窗門板飽覽綠林風光。而台車軌道旁是沿南勢溪谷修建的情人步道,建議可上山搭乘台車,下山就走情人步道回到覽勝橋,一邊是山壁,一邊是溪流的情人步道,遊客可以藉由這種輕度的運動呼吸新鮮空氣及享受負離子,是非常放鬆的玩法。 地址:新北市烏來區覽勝大橋與溫泉路口交會處 電話:+886 2-2661-7826 車程:距離酒店5分鐘,需步行至台車站10分鐘
Wulai Atayal Museum
Wulai Atayal Museum
烏來過去就是泰雅族人的生活部落,是烏來真正的主人,所以外人也應該多多認識這個族群,了解他們的歷史和生活方式,在新北市唯一的山地區「烏來」成立泰雅民族博物館別具意義,精心策劃的展覽中,泰雅族人食、衣、住等生活面貌與文化哲學一覽無遺,所以泰雅民族博物館裡,就是在介紹泰雅族人的歷史和生活概況,像是紋面的歷史,是泰雅少女非常隆重的成年禮,要會織布才有紋面的資格,有紋面的少女也才會有人來提親。 備註:編織體驗須付費/參觀門票:免費參觀 地址:新北市烏來區烏來街12號 電話:+886 2-2661-8162 車程:距離酒店5分鐘